Rocky Singh Kandola Build A Life You Love
Rocky Singh Kandola Build A Life You Love
Rocky Singh Kandola shares his remarkable journey from college grad to felon to a successful business owner that inspires others. He shares some of the low points in his life. He describes living in a number of abusive boot camps, selling drugs, graduating college, being convicted of a felony, pulling himself out, and becoming a successful business owner. He shows us that no matter how hard the brick that is thrown at you, you can overcome it find a way to build a life you love. He shares his story to inspire others. You are not going to want to miss this!
Episode Transcription
Intro Plays
Ari: Welcome to a Whispers and breaks. My name is Ari Schonbrun and I am your host. I have with me today a young man 35 years old. His name is Rocky Singh Kandola. And he’s had a real roller coaster of a life. I’m going to read through his bio, it explains most of what’s going on and then I’m going to bring him in. So Rocky’s a 35 year old, successful Indian businessman born in New York City currently living in California. He owns and runs a showroom in a high traffic area of downtown LA. He is a felon, as well as a philosophy graduate, both from the state of Alabama. He spent his quote unquote high school life in nine different facilities, schools and boot camps across the world, some of which are now closed due to severe child abuse, rape and torture. He almost died several times and he can recall, he has been shot at stabbed and kidnapped. He has amazing friends and family in almost every continent in the world. He follows his heart and lets his guard down with new loving people without thinking twice. He grows businesses and helps others daily. He’s learned so much from his past life, and now wishes to help others like him that wish to do something more with their lives as well. He is passionate to help spread the word to the many people that share his background and can benefit from his story. Helping people gain peace, courage and understanding. Please help me welcome rocky Singh Kandola. Rocky, how are you?
Rocky: Doing very well. Thank you so much for having me. Oh, it’s
Ari: my pleasure. My pleasure. How are things on the on your side of the country? Are you No,
no, you’re out here?
Yeah, you’re in California, right where the good?
Rocky: Yeah, weather is always good, feels amazing outside shorts, and a T shirt or jeans and a jacket always comfortable.
Ari: Now it’s great. That’s great. Well, as you know, the name of this podcast is whispers bricks. Now whispers are those voices telling you what the right thing to do is they represent the good in life. The bricks represent the bad things that we go through in life, God knows, we all get hit with bricks throughout our lives in one way, shape, or form. Now, I got to tell you after I heard your story, I wasn’t sure if members of my audience had actually been hit with the same type of brick that you’ve been hit with. All right, but I knew that there were people who are going to be able to learn from you when it came to dealing with their own bricks. And they needed to hear and to know that they can get through the trials and tribulations that they’re going through in the same way that you did. I mean, after all, you had a roller coaster life, from the lowest of the low to the highest of the high and back again. And you reached some major lows that I think most people would never get out of. But yet you did. Now my your audience needs to know that there are whispers out there that could save them as well. So I’d like to start by touch by you telling us about some of the major bricks stories and how you survived. So let’s start with you know, as it because I mean it literally started when you were a child, my creditor,
Rocky: definitely so um, the first time I guess my first brick, I love the way you put it the whispers and bricks as well. Now first brick came at a very young age I was 11 or 12. And my father had just recently moved the family to Mississippi. And I was kind of always one of those outgoing, talkative kids and want to be with friends and stay outside and be you know, active and play sports. You know, traditionally families kind of more wanting to study stay home with the family. So my father kind of was having a hard time dealing with me my mother was as well. So they sent me to India to live alone on a flat for I think around six or seven months. I mean, there’s family nearby, they had a flat nearby but they were like 2425 years old, a young family that had a new kid of their own. So I’m I’m smiling because like, now looking back as an adult I love that time. I’m thankful for grateful for it. But back then is an 11 or 12 year old kid. I was just like my world turned upside down. All my friends, all my school, everything was like I’m gone. I’m here in the middle of the country. I’m out of the country. But it taught me at a very young age that um, you know, these bricks that come in life can also be kind of sometimes and as you say it’s a blessing in This guy’s you know, and I learned that I learned to be adaptable. Because I loved my time in India as a kid. I mean, I came back and then I guess I kind of had a little bit of a sense of maybe more freedom and more kind of as a young kid than most people did at that age. And so I started testing those boundaries. And that kind of led to the next eight bricks that came throughout my high school life, basically,
Ari: wow, I’m going to stop you there, because I personally understand what you’re going through. Because when I was 14, my family picked up and moved to Israel. And my parents put me into a high school that was a I was dorming. In high school, some a 14 year old kid in a foreign country, didn’t speak the language, get thrown into a dorm with five other kids who hated Americans. Alright. And this was, and this was my life. Okay, when I was the bully of the grade was in my room, and he used to just, like, beat up on me, like every day. So I understand, you know, that part of your life, certainly, you know, going to another country, at least you spoke the language. I mean, you know,
Rocky: back then, I was still learning more and more. Now I speak a little better, but I knew enough to get around. So Right.
Ari: Yeah, I hear you. Okay, so you came back, and you’re going into high school and what’s going on? Yeah, actually, I’m
Rocky 13, I believe, yeah. So um, my father started teaching me to drive it around that time as well. I mean, I was I was a big kid, I was I was 12. My age, I was playing sports, playing tennis and fit. So I also started sneaking the car out around that time. And one of these times I snuck the car out, we would go to Taco Bell around, like we’re in a very small town in Mississippi. Um, so I go to Taco Bell or something like that. And then I’ll basically just kind of drive to the beach and come back home. And one of those times, we actually got pulled over and being a small town that it was the officer knew my father called him. And instead of the next day or two, I supposed to go to tennis camp, and LSU near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And instead, um, my parents said, you’re going to a summer camp in Mexico, and you know, there’s ocean and pool, we’re gonna take you there, we read about it, and you know, you’ll be fine. So, you know, I’m on the first this is my first my two programs, the other breaking up comes later in life. But they sent me to this one at 13. So this is called the worldwide association of specialty programs. Paris Hilton recently did a huge documentary about it. One of the schools she went to there was actually in the US at this place. You know, as soon as your parents drive you across the border, go past these big red brick doors in a building. They take you to a room, and you’re speaking with these guys. And as a kid, you’re kind of out of it, you only know where you are looking around, until they take you behind the one door, and you say bye to your mom. Then it’s like a movie, everything changes, the lights get dim, the concrete gets dirty, they rip your clothes off, they shave your head, they sit you down and take all your stuff. They tell you, you’re not going where you’re not going home, you know, start cursing at you the first 20 days, 1015 days you’re sleeping on the ground, you’re waking up at two or three o’clock in the morning, walk outside in the rain to count. You’re getting yelled at and curse that and Spanish and English and woken up with pots and pans. In a regimented strict day, you know, you just kind of walk in line to do anything to use the restrooms, ask for permission to speak, you have to raise your hand like this was like, ask permission to fart step out a lot in fart. If you did this, this was restroom, there’s different ones like you weren’t allowed to make eye contact or know who was next to you, the person who were when you weren’t allowed to speak to anybody, you weren’t allowed to know about the outside world or talk to the outside world. And the worst 11 or 12 or 13 years old for me was you never know when they’re gonna go home, they say to take some people a year to three years of graduate program, sometimes longer. Otherwise, your parents don’t want you anymore. And we had $50 in a bus ticket for you on your 18th birthday. And we’ll put you on the border and you can go live your life from there. And that’s a very, like brief overview. I mean, as I said, these schools have the one particular I’m talking about close in 2005 by the Mexican government for child abuse and torture, they did a big discovery as BBC special on them and everything. Um, but yeah, the surface
Ari: was the it was there any education going on, and it was through the schooling, they you know, nothing, just
Rocky: one of the worst parts about what they tell the parents and how to manipulate the parents and I still do, you got to keep in mind, these are for profit businesses. Um, so the teachers, there weren’t even teachers. There’s one teacher that’s assigned over the entire school of maybe a couple 100 Boys and then the other side, maybe 100 or So girls, and that one teacher took care of all the students, the way we progress through our grades and through like, seventh grade, eighth grade ninth grade, was you know, you have those big textbooks and in our big textbooks, there’s chapters or there’s tests in the back of them. So every day during our school hours, we Sit quietly around the desk and read the chapters. for about four hours, we’re not a talk or anything, all we can do is raise our hand ask the question to the teacher whenever the teacher came around, and then we’d have like, an hour and a half later in the day, dedicated testing time, and you need to test every day. So you could progress through the grades. And this is getting into story. But this is where I graduated from. So my high school diploma is actually failing. I have a college degree as well, a bachelor’s degree, but you know, if they found out about it in time, they would have actually said, No, you need to go back and get a GED or something because these schools were not even actually accredited, you know, to be out there. So Wow. Wow, okay.
Ari:All right. What happened? So I mean, fast. See, see. So you graduate from this, quote, unquote, school? Right?
Rocky: I didn’t graduate from that one. The first one in Mexico. My family pulled me out after seven months. So I spent that time there. And then they brought me back home. And so did they. Did they have any idea what was going on there? No. I mean, honestly, now the parent, even the parents now, like no parent would do that to their kid. You know, I believe that I know that. I know, for a fact from my parents, especially, like they didn’t know what was happening, what they didn’t know, we were being fed like trash food, they didn’t know that our medical care was like, shut up, get back in line until you pass out or fall, you know, or throw Well,
what made them like what made them come and pick you up?
So the second time I haven’t gotten to that that far to story,
Ari: but I’m saying you have to seven months, you said you were only the episode. Yes. Yeah.
Rocky: My mom flew in town. I didn’t know anything was happening. I was sitting at the child table one day, and all sudden, the shift leader comes in and says canola, let’s get your shoes. And my heart stopped. Everything froze. Because when you get your shoes, if it’s not P time, we have time I do exercise in PT. That means you’re leaving. And I was like, No way. It’s like, how am I leaving? Like, what happened? No one told me anything. And that day I just left and all of a sudden, I remember she took me out and I was like for the first one of the first times right i Hunter so big. And then we showed me the hotel next to the bootcamp called loss process. And l cells all in California, Mexico, and I was looking at everything just touching and feeling and just like wow, like, have like different colored pens, like oh my god, I can put sugar in, you know, Kool Aid, like all kinds of just small things. It was just like a shock and then you know, coming back home was a shock as well. And I tried to tell our parents like you know, all this stuff. I was like I was abused to the point of physical sexual mental everyone was but everyone has different stories also, and I don’t even feel like mine is or even bad, kind of like giving too much detail. I was hogtied kicked down a hallway, had my hands and feet tied behind my back for two or three days for my punishment for being sick and crying one day, basically. And I mean, there’s kids that have committed suicide there. Oh my god, punishments way worse than what I just described. So
Ari: alright, so So what, you know, in your bio, you talked about being a felon? What had what was that all about?
Rocky: Yeah, so um, basically, after this school in Mexico, I went to like two or three different boot camps, military schools, Catholic boarding schools, you know, where I did, okay, if someone wanted to leave some I got kicked out Assam for various reasons. And it was never about grades or really like authority problems. There’s always like one incident, or like, you know, a couple small living of something larger, mostly centered around like racial slurs or power issues, control issues in boarding schools, teachers versus students, students versus students, staff versus students and stuff like that. Anyway, eventually, I wound up going back to the same school where the director in Mexico moved that school to the border of Canada in New York. And this time, I wasn’t taking my parents I was woken up by too tall guys. So tall, they had to turn the fan off of my room, I remember, like to stand in my room, and they wake you up with one ankle cloth. And when your hands go off, and they say, okay, come on, it’s time ago. And I already knew what it was when they woke me up. I mean, because I’d already been in the program. And, you know, they got me in the car, they escorted me across the country up all the way to the border of Canada in New York, and dropped me off at the program where that’s where I actually graduated high school at around 17 and a half and left from there after the same program, same regimen, same abuse, same craziness, only this time, I was twice the size and 17 and ready to fight after military school after everything. So I was like, I didn’t get touched airbase with the second time and I tried to like fight him the same director the first versus second day I basically, I got charged Adam with a pen in my head or something like that. I’m like, and honestly like I laugh now, but at that point in time, I remember feeling the rage of like, Yes, I will hurt this person really badly. If they died and it’s on them like what I didn’t care and that kind of like chip on my shoulder. Forget authority. The world needs to feel the pain that I felt continued after I left there at 17 and a half and directly into college. When I started college 17 and a half in Alabama, and I dove headfirst into Violence drugs, doing drugs, selling drugs, girls parties, nightlife, everything just like headfirst in and my run lasted until about 21 Where I finally I’ve been getting arrested you know, my whole life small, small things. And 21 I was finally arrested on my you know, big boy charge prison time distribution of controlled substances. Visibly cocaine. Whoa, whoa.
Ari:And when you when you are going to jail Where were your parents? And what did they know at this point in time?
Rocky: They knew they knew. I mean, I was going crazy. They knew like I was getting arrested. They knew I was partying like crazy. They couldn’t really do anything about it. You know, they try they’re trying to keep me in college. They can’t they got me a dorm there. Because I like made money. I want to get out want to live away from home. You know, join a fraternity and that was more partying. Yeah. So like, they’re definitely, and I’m smiling only because I’m past all of it. Like, back then it was just like, oh, life is over. Almost, you know, like, wow, like what happened. And for them, it was maybe time sand, you know, Indian family, like good family. You know, all our other family, friends and other family. No one’s ever been doing like this. They’ve all been, you know, doctors are, you know, professionals. And, you know, it’s my dad’s our line, and all that as well. But they were they were devastated. And they supported me through every benefit. My dad got $150,000 worth of lawyers for me. And I still ended up with pretty much like, historically, the worst possible sentence someone could get for the exact same crime as a first time offender. So it was it was pretty crazy.
Ari:Wow. So is that? Is that like? Was that like the lowest point in your life? Would you say? It got worse? No. Yeah,
Rocky: definitely go first that was on. It’s funny. Like, I guess like, prison wasn’t really too tough for me, it sucked because I know I’m in prison. I know that, like I’m in the system. And the state has different feeling than like, getting sent off. But it was my life my whole life. You know, prison. I mean, state school, boot camp, military, school, boarding school, you know, dorms like I kind of knew what to do not when I got to prison, I kind of knew how to how to like play with the CEOs and make sure I’m like playing that game of like that little dance of like keeping everybody happy. It didn’t have any fights. Like I started honest. When I was in prison, I was selling more stuff I’ll sell on fake marijuana. By the time I got to my work police camp, are sending money back out of out of prison to people because I was making money. And I was still in that state. I mean, when I got out, I drove kind of like, back in the party back on the drugs, same lifestyle, hand to God, like I didn’t go to prison, like, like, someone guided me, you know, like, I almost went back to prison like three times. They put me in jail for a couple weeks at a time, you know, after my prison sentence. And if I went back, I would have to serve the remainder of a seven year sentence. Because I had 10 years in the beginning. Alabama 30%. I did 30% of that out. And then, you know, two years of house arrest a year of probation, a year of rehabs, more probation, like it was not seven or eight years of my life in total of like, you know, dealing with it until finally that one day in court where everything was done, and I were looking in the judges eyes and I was like, he does not want to let me go. Like he really doesn’t. He was looking at my PO and everybody’s like, Your Honor. I’m building out for like, six years now. He’s he’s graduated college, you know, he served his time. Like, he’s not everything we said, Now, you know, he started off, you know, disobeying everything we said, and sneaking off to Mexico and smoking weed every day. And now he’s not. So there’s at least some progress, you know, let him go. And finally that day, it was like 2011 or 12, maybe 13. Somewhere around there is when I finally got everything off. And a whisper came to me two months later, actually in the form of the demand that I always butted heads with my dad became to me and he said, Rocky, you’re out of prison, you’re done with your stuff. I skipped this story. But you said Rocky, you got your teeth back after a year and a half and I had half my teeth and that hole in my head. And you know, I don’t I don’t see you anymore and ask them for money. You know, maybe you just get away from your just go and I’ll pay for it. And I had never listened to my dad because you know, it’s a flag for me. It’s a trigger because when he sends me away, it’s a one way ticket to school somewhere. But um, I know something about the way you said it in the timing everything and I was getting sick of just that lifestyle of like, once again, looking over my shoulder addicted to opiates, on like, you know, we can pills and alcohol every day, different girlfriends and all kinds of just weird stuff. Like, I was like, You know what, let me try something else. So that day November 5, I think it was 2013. A couple months after my court date. I was like you know what, let’s go. And two days later on mom’s birthday, November 7, I left I mean, I left behind. I gave my dad the rest of the drugs. I was like solid here and as well as doing like highway three. I told her everything. I broke up with the girls I was when I told my friends by left my cards, whatever I did have and just started over and went to India and lived on a farm for a month and kinda like detox my body got clean a little bit kind of got level headed to the point where I kind of almost like I had a blank slate Rama, okay, now it’s time to start like, what am I gonna do? You know, I don’t want to go back to college anymore. I had dreams a law school, I applied to law school got accepted the judge in let me go don’t forget law school now like, let’s let’s do some business I had all these plans in prison. And that’s when I eventually pulled out that one page business plan from prison this hanging up in office and started trying to hear. And I mean, it’s a lot in between the story where I actually think I had the lowest point in my life in the next seven years. But you know, seven years later, I started back then and here I am now. So
Ari: wow, wow. That’s that’s just such an amazing story. And you started, what’s the name of that company that you started? It’s hair
Rocky: made in India, hair made in India. And it’s like made in like your mother’s maiden name. It’s like, oh, because we sell virgin hair from India made from a
major made me ID and made in India,
I guess. It’s also made and maybe in India also so Right.
Ari: Right, I hear I hear and wow, that’s just amazing, you straighten yourself out, you know, you it’s it’s not often that you hear somebody that was in your position that actually makes it out. You know, it’s, it’s, they’re far more stories about guys that just never get out. And so I guess you got to the lowest point, you must have been at the lowest point in your life when you said, You know what, this just isn’t working. And I got to do something else.
Rocky: You know what, like, at that point in my life, I didn’t know what the lows were I had. And from 11 to 21, I had already done so much like, and I forgot about the child stuff after the prison stuff. And after almost being killed and half half my face ripped off, like, those kind of things went away. So I didn’t even feel like I was in a low place. Because I was I was doing so much drugs and partying so much and had so much instant gratification in the form of like, sex and parties and friends and drugs. Like, I was kind of just oblivious to it like any other lower Heil is kind of cruising. But I did get tired of it. Right? The lowest points of my life came actually after I decided to make these changes, like, um, and, and I might have made it sound easy. Like, I didn’t just go to India, November 5, or seventh. And that was it.
Ari:I’m sure I’m sure. I’m sure everybody listening to this understands that it wasn’t easy that it just, you know, nobody’s taking it at face value, that you’re telling your story. Just because you’re telling your story in a flippant way doesn’t mean that it was easy. And I understand that. And I think my audience understands that. So we’re not taking anything away from you. You know, it was a struggle, I’m sure it was a struggle. And you you beat it, you beat it, you started listening to the whispers, and you started doing the right thing. And the next thing you know, okay, after years, I want to say the next thing you know, it didn’t happen overnight, obviously. But then all of a sudden, you straightened out your life, you started a business. And here we are today. And you know, you’re a an upstanding citizen in the United States. And you know, you’re leading a great life, and you’re doing the right things now by you know, telling your story. Letting people know that there is hope out there, you’ve done it, there’s no reason why anybody else who’s in who’s in your situation or something similar to what your situation is, there’s no reason why they can’t get out of it in the same way that you get out of it. Do you do do? Do you help people in a formal way? Or is it just like an
Rocky: informal way? So I’m at a turning point, once again, my life because I’ve got I’ve grown a business to a point where I can do things that are more fulfilling me. And what I want to do is I do want to help with more coaching and, and personal things with people and in the sense of like, kind of like our sharing on the podcast and a sense of motivation. And like I can actually give like real tools of what I specifically did you know, the last seven years where I actually decided to make that change. There’s all sorts of us each individual, do you want to make a change? Do you want something different? Once you do, like, that’s the that’s the prerequisite that we can do, we can do some work, we can get into it. And for me, you know, I made that choice. And now I’m at a point where I am trying to help other people out there. It’s just and my coach, I have a coach myself now and he always tells me Rocky, like, I’m not perfect, you’re not perfect to help others. I think it’s like a mental I kind of block I’m heading where I’m trying my best to get perfect almost before I can kind of say or feel valid enough to give that to other people. And that goes back to everything. I’ve been learning myself, right. Like as a child, I had all these things I kind of pushed out and as an adult, I think certain ways because of all this stuff. So my work the last year and a half heavily has been like really diving into that. So as I’m doing that I’m kind of more and more becoming to the place where I’m ready to kind of hold that space and help other people out. Really, really formally As you said, on the right now I’m kind of keeping it more as like people that are reaching out to me directly, just kind of keeping maybe tabs on them and checking in with them seeing how they’re doing, and see how it can best be of service value to them. And then kind of figuring out how I can, you know, scale that and help tons of people at the same time. So, I’m in the process basically,
Ari:it’s great. Now let me ask you this, who’s the one person that you can point to that you would say had the most influence in your life
Rocky: as a child, it was definitely a piece Emperor’s the tennis player. Because I always wanted to buy towels as opposed to child I’ve not played internationals nationals, ranked top 10 in the south for all my teenage years, teenage years, even while I was being so bad. So that was definitely childhood. As I’ve gotten older and adulthood, my mentors and idols and people that I pulled the most from had become a collaboration of different guys on YouTube that share this knowledge and this wisdom and strength. I mean, everyone from Joe Dispenza Ralph smart Robin Sharma, Tim Ferriss, you know, all these guys that are just putting this information as positivity out there. And, and really, I know, it’ll happen one day, soon, I’ll meet some of them because they need to understand to hear my story and how much they saved my life. The last seven years, like after I changed my life of how much how long I went supplements, like literally like trying to kill myself, and how much those audio tapes and like listening to them. And I mean, like taking away my TV taken on music, taking away TV, movies, all distractions and just shoving this material in my brain all day long for at least a solid for at least a solid a year. And still to this day, you know, as much as I can. So it’s it’s a combination of all those all those men and women now in my adult life, and I couldn’t not say my father has always been there for me, you know, like, he’s very different than I am the same as well, but like he went professional career, you know, cardiology, for me, my path is going to be a lot different. So, you know, like, looking for my, I guess how you say idol, you know, in him how he works and takes care of his family and how he looks out for people and how he loves people enjoy his life. I definitely idolize him in that sense, as well. And the biggest thing is, you know, I wouldn’t even have my teeth right now if it weren’t for him now. So who knows? So, right.
So let me ask you, if somebody wants to get a hold of you, you know, they’re listening to this. And they’re going well, man, I gotta listen to that guy got to talk to that guy. How would they get ahold of you? Is there? Do you have a website? Do you have an email? Do you have, you know, what’s the best way to contact you?
Rocky: Yeah, all the above. So I’m very I like to sound like the easiest person in America to reach if you Google my name, rocky Singh. Kandola. A lot of stuff pops up. I also have my direct website, Rocky, Kandola, calm,
Rocky, Rocky candle calm. That’s how that’s our OCKYKNDOLA Ah,
I know just a that’s a no, no, no, no way.
Ari:All right. So it’s Rocky kandola.com. And I guess that’ll take you to your website, and they’ll can find you in that way. They can reach out to you that way. That’s great. Before we go, do you have any words of wisdom any any advice for my audience? You know, parting wisdom that you can give?
Rocky: Yeah, um, I’ll say if you’re in a place in your life, where you’re struggling or stuff, you’re hurt, you’re in trauma, you’re looking to get past that when you’re in the midst of it or anything. Really, these couple things helped me the most to get past my struggles. And even when new struggles come up, and the first thing is, is getting real with yourself and asking yourself, you know, what do you want? And do you want to change? Or do you want something different? Second, for me, it was getting rid of all the distractions around me in the form of friends, family, music, TV, drugs, alcohol, everything around me and really quieting my mind, and getting with myself and getting centered and understanding what I’m looking forward who I am and what is really going to drive me from their things like meditation, yoga, and talking to friends and family at times, can kind of help you grow that. And then it’s just taking that leap of faith, you know, not being afraid, don’t face your fears, do it and we all are allowed and have the God given ability to create the exact life that we want, regardless of what situation we’re in. And I encourage you to really internalize that and take that in your heart yourself as well. Because once you do, I promise that’s when the magic starts to happen. I don’t say this and hope anymore. I say this from a knowing and a place where I’ve experienced it multiple times in the in the recent past now.
Ari:Wow. Um, I have a question though. Would you say that from a spiritual level or religious level? Have you want to, you know, have you grown? Have you become a more religious person? Have you become a more spiritual person? What would you say to that?
Rocky: I’ve definitely I like to say this, I think I’ve become conscious about my spirituality. Because when I look back at my journals and why But now and I think of my thoughts the child, I had these whispers, as you say, I just didn’t notice them or pay attention to them, right? Open to them, you know, and like now like, I have those and like, I’m like, Well, I get chills. I’m like, Oh, I feel it. I believe that is a sense of spirituality being connected with your soul in the universe. Do other worlds me today this morning just says something about, instead of like trying to change other people, we should change our souls work on our souls, you know, and that really like that, I can get chills saying because if everyone did that, and I feel like one day we’re getting to the point right now, society, those pain and trauma, we’re gonna have to do that. If everyone does that. I don’t feel like we’d have like poverty, plagues, wars and all that stuff. I feel like it’ll slowly come to just cease to exist, we’ll be we’ll still have problems like we’re human. We’re gonna have issues, you know, but, but those big things, I think they’ll start to go away.
Ari: That’s great. Rocky, thanks so much for sharing your story with my audience. I’m sure you’ve touched the hearts of many of my audience. Good luck going forward. Keep up the good work. All right. You’re an amazing individual. Keep doing what you’re doing. You been listening to us visit bricks and I’m your host Gary Sherman. Until next time, listen to the whispers avoid the bricks and never ever give up on your dreams. Bye for now.