What is this Podcast All About?
Everyone remembers where they were on that fateful day Sept 11th 2001 in NYC when a terrorist attack shocked the world. I’m personally going to take you back WITH me to Tower One of the World Trade Center when shock, terror, flames, and chaos burst into the building. I was on the 78th floor sky lobby when that first plane crashed into the building. It felt like a huge bomb had just exploded as I was blown right off my feet. All lights instantly went out. The elevators were engorged with flames while the building filled with smoke. On that day, 658 of my Cantor Fitzgerald co-workers—many of whom were also my friends—who were sitting at their desks were brutally murdered that day. I was one of the few lucky ones who survived, and my life totally changed instantly and it will never be the same.
If you’re struggling in your career, business or your life, this podcast is for you. You’ll hear not just my own story of how whispers saved my life that day, but also those of my extraordinary guests who listen to those little voices, the “whispers” to take a better path into their best lives.
“Whispers & Bricks” is all about how we make life decisions. Paying attention to the “whispers” as they can lead us in exactly the right direction at exactly the right moment. Or by ignoring the “whispers”, you might get hit with a brick instead! We all go through periods in our lives where everything feels like it is blowing apart. I’m here to help you navigate, like a phoenix out of the ashes, through the circumstances of your own 9/11 so you too can bounce back and catapult forward to a life you’ve always dreamed of.

Listen & Subscribe to Ari Schonbrun’s
Whispers & Bricks: 9/11 Success Lessons

Everyone remembers where they were on that fateful day Sept 11th, 2001 in NYC when a terrorist attack shocked the world. I’m personally going to take you back WITH me to Tower One of the World Trade Center when shock, terror, flames, and chaos burst into the building. I was on the 78th-floor sky lobby when that first plane crashed into the building. It felt like a huge bomb had just exploded as I was blown right off my feet. All lights instantly went out. The elevators were engorged with flames while the building filled with smoke. On that day, 658 of my Cantor Fitzgerald co-workers—many of whom were also my friends—who were sitting at their desks were brutally murdered that day. I was one of the few lucky ones who survived, and my life totally changed instantly and it will never be the same.
Veronica Anderson was an Ophthalmologist who was married and taught Sunday school to the outside world she had the perfect but she was unhappy. In fact, she was clinically depressed and she had the idea that being a doctor was not her calling. She always knew she was naturally psychic when she started coaching people she realized she could use her natural gift to help people in their business and relationships. It was natural for her and once she started doing it she realized it was her calling. She reminds us to seek out what we naturally like doing instead of focusing on the path that someone else has laid for us or what we think we should be doing

Upcoming Guest Include
Top Gun Pilot Captain Charlie Plumb

Subscribe & Post a Review in ITunes to WIN
Every single week, one lucky listener that posts a review on iTunes will win a chance in the $25,000 grand prize drawing of a Private VIP Day with Ari himself. Together you will retrace his steps on the sacred path of Ground Zero where the World Trade Center once stood. Ari will share with you exactly what REALLY happened on that day. You too will learn how to rise up like a Phoenix from the ashes in any circumstances in your life. Join Ari as you lean in and listen to the little whispers BEFORE you get hit with the bricks. Ari will lead, coach and mentor you to transform any area of your career, business, relationships, or life. This once in a lifetime experience will take your breath away and will never be forgotten.

Grab Your Free Gift From Ari
3 Chapters of Miracles & Fate on 78

Meet Your Host – Ari Schonbrun
On September 11th, 2001, Ari Schonbrun went to his office at Cantor Fitzgerald – the Wall Street firm that occupied the top five floors of Tower One – and he happened to be on the 78th floor changing elevators when the first plane hit. In the midst of the smoke and chaos, Ari found a fellow employee who was terribly burned and who needed his help to walk her down 78 flights of stairs. Of the 662 Cantor employees on the upper floors in the World Trade Center that day, only 5 survived. Everyone else was killed. Why did they survive? Was it simply luck? Or was it something more?
Sifting Through the Ashes of Your Life
When the inevitable brick is going to hit you and you feel like your entire life is falling apart, Im going to help you sift through those ashes and put your life back together, regardless of what the issue is or regardless of what your life is like. Together, we will be able to literally rise from those ashes, put our lives back together and hopefully, we can continue to help others as we help ourselves.
If you lost a loved one, your business, your career, or relationship, we will explore all of these devastating events, and how you can navigate through healing. So when that devastation happens. You have two choices. You can climb into bed get into that fetal position and just give up on life. Or you can take a stand and you can say I am not going to let life beat me. I am going to overcome and together that’s what we’ll do —we will overcome.

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It is important to send our team a screenshot of your review. Please email it to info@whispersandbrickspodcast.com and our team will verify it and enter you to WIN a chance in the Grand Prize Drawing for a once in a lifetime opportunity for a private VIP day with me.
Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).