Robyn Moore was the valedictorian of her high school. It seemed like she was on the road to success, but she had a deep secret she was suffering from depression. She would continue to suffer from depression for many years. Robyn went into hospitals and tried many different treatments, but nothing seemed to work. Until in her 30’s she figured out how to overcome her depression, anxiety, and health issues, she no longer had to take medication, lost 70 pounds, adopted a child, and lives a happy life. Robyn shares with us how she did it and the whispers that helped. She now coaches women to help them live happier lives. If you suffer from depression, anxiety, or negative self-talk, you do not want to miss this episode.
Episode Transcription
Intro Plays
Ari: My name is Ari Schonbrun and I’m your host today. I’ve got Robin Moore as my guest. Now, let me say let me tell you this. If you’ve ever struggled with negative self talk, or freeing yourself from the comparison trap, Robin Moore is the answer you’ve been looking for. Robin uniquely empowers women to transform their inner critic into their greatest unstoppable champion, so they can flourish in all areas of their life. Having spent many years silently struggling with anxiety, depression and health issues. Robin created a new and inspiring path to entirely redefine what was possible for her future. Through her incredible journey of perseverance and hope, Robin has powerfully freed herself from 11 medications, rejuvenated her health by losing 70 pounds and embraced motherhood with the adoption of her son Jaden. Now, with her innovative coaching methodology, Robin helps Christian women reconnect with their inner joy. So they can begin to see the world through a different lens. It is by embracing this incredible perspective shift that Robins clients are all able to finally create an experience to joy filled, aligned and fulfilling life that they deserve. Please help me welcome Robin.
Robin: Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to
Ari: be oh, we’re excited to have you. That’s amazing. So how you been everything good.
Robin: Everything is good. I’m blessed for sure.
Ari: That’s great. So as you know, the name of this podcast is whispers and bricks, the whispers are those voices telling you what the right thing to do is, and they represent the good in life. The bricks represent the bad things that we go through in life. And let’s be real, we all go through bad things at some point in time or know that we all get hit with that brick or bricks. I know my brick, of course was 911. You know, when I was in the towers, and I got plucked out of a burning, collapsing building given a second chance that was a brick thrown at me. Now you have had several major bricks thrown at you, including anxiety, depression, health issues. At one point, you’re on 11 different medications. And on top of everything else you were, let’s call it a little overweight. Definitely tell us what was going on in your life when you were getting hit with all these bricks?
Robin: Yeah, um, you know, it kind of started early for me. I’m in junior high, which I know a lot of people kind of struggled during that time, especially females, and but for me, it was much deeper, right? It was kind of what you refer to that negative inner self talk that you know, I’m not loved. I’m not lovable. I can’t do this. Now on the outside, I was living a whole different life, right. I was valedictorian, most likely to succeed, like I had all these things going, but inside, you know, I really was dying. I was I was suicidal, I was miserable. And when college rolled around, actually, it had been enough years that I no longer could hide it, I stuffed and I stuffed and stuffed until I could not stuff anymore. And then it kind of really started coming out. And I went into my first hospital and really kind of let on the misery that I was living in. And so I really just, you know, spent the next years in and out of hospitals and struggling believing there was an answer searching for it. But not being able to find not being able to turn off that that inner voice that was going on in my head. Um, you know, you talk about the, the the whisper, you know, and for me, when I think about that, I look back and I think it was when I was in that doctor’s office, and they gave me a crazy diagnosis and told me it was time to get on prescription number 12. And, you know, at the moment, I thought I walked away discouraged. I thought, you know, those that same self talk, and I remember telling my mom and her coming back and say, you know, Robin, that is not who you are, that diagnosis is not correct, right. Like you need to really think about this. And it was the first time that I started realizing that I could question the voices of others and the voice of myself. Right, those things that I was telling myself and so that’s when I really started really digging into what it was I was telling myself and was that really serving me and was that something I wanted to continue to carry on?
Ari: Wow. So how old were you at that point in time?
Robin: I was about 30 years old actually,
about 30. Okay, so would you say? I mean, would you say that that’s when you like, hit rock bottom? Would that be a fair assessment?
Yeah, I think that’s very fair. I had I had been going downhill at that point. There were also some other events in my life that left me feeling, you know, completely alone, and, and a whole deeper way. Um, and yes, I would definitely say that that was that was kind of my rock bottom.
Ari: Do you want to do you want to share with us maybe some of that? What was going on? Yeah, sure.
Robin: I had had a college friend, that was my best friend. And I was told, a few months before her wedding, I was her maid of honor that she was kind of sick of my depression. We weren’t going to go on this. You know, this trip, we had planned to campaign for our 30th birthday, I was no longer invited to be in her wedding. And like I needed to move out of the apartment that we shared. And so to me, I looked at that through a lens of see everything that I’ve ever believed about myself was just proven true. Right? There’s no one left in this role. I mean, that wasn’t true. But right. That’s the way I saw it. There’s no one left in this world, even my best friend can’t stand to be around me. And so that was kind of rock bottom for me.
Wow. It’s kind of like, I guess, a self fulfilling prophecy. You know, I know that a lot of people, a lot of people go through that it’s, you know, they convince themselves, and then it’s a self fulfilling prophecy that they you know, I’m not good. And see, see, I showed you I’m not good. Really? Yeah.
So So here’s, here’s the thing, every one of our thoughts leads to a feeling that feeling leads to an action, which leads to a result and 100% of the time, that result is going to tie back to that thought. So that’s where that self fulfilling prophecy comes and becomes this loop of creating what we’re thinking and what we believe.
Ari: Absolutely. So at that point, like, did you say to yourself, you know what, I quit? I’ve given up I’ve given up on my dreams. You know, I just say that this is not happening. And if so, how did you turn that around?
Robin: Yeah, I would, I would like to say in that moment, I quickly but I would say it was probably a couple of years. The funny thing about that is I got a cat during that time to help me out. And that cat is now almost 20 years old. And it still scared of people because I essentially live almost like a hermit I had a job, right. But I just secluded myself completely for a couple of years. And then I think it was when I was telling you about the when I went to that doctor, right, and they plan to put me on yet another medication. And I had which by the way, every medication I got off of every one of those diseases went away, right. But at this point, like they were stacked pretty high. And you know, lots of health issues, mental issues. And then I really, it was that turning point, I realized, what am I telling myself? And what is that creating my life? And what do I really believe is true? Maybe not for me, but for everyone else. So let’s start there. Right? I believe that everyone is lovable. except myself. But that can’t be true, right? That’s what we do. Right? We can see it for everybody else except ourselves. So I started identifying what those things were. I started telling myself truth. Right, I started repeating it to myself, I started walking, things that I didn’t feel were true as if they were true. And that’s when you know, things begin to open up for me.
Ari: So you must you must have been working at this point. No,
Robin: I worked through all of it. I did.
Wow. I had, you know, like, how do you put up the facade? You know, you can’t walk into work every day, you know, being a, you know, uh, yeah, you know, depressed and, you know, bringing everybody else down. I mean, they would, you know, most companies aren’t gonna stand for that. But you just,
and this was pre, you know, the COVID work from home situation, right? This is when we’re all in the office. And, you know, and, and because of my health and all those issues, I never was I never got more than three hours of sleep during that time. So I was pretty much a wreck all around way around. But you know, I learned kind of in those earlier years, how to fake that. And so right, I could fake it for the day, and then I could come home and just write crash. That’s kind of how I survived.
Ari: You know, it’s, and I’m going to tell my audience, right, you think that you’re the only one that goes through? This, you think to yourself, you know, nobody’s going through what I’m going through. And yet I, because of my podcast, I’ve seen so many people going through exactly what you’re going through, I had interviewed a woman who had been, she became an alcoholic at the age of 13. And she was on drugs, and all through college. And yet she nobody knew, she put on that facade through college. And, you know, deep down, she was dying. All right, but to the world she looked, you know, like, everything was great. So I get it, I get it, where you you can actually put on that facade let don’t let people know what’s going on. And then as you said, you go home and you crash, you, you know it, depending upon what your what your thing is, whether it’s drugs, whether it’s alcohol, you know, whatever it is. And then, as you said, you know, you get three hours of sleep, and you go back the next day, you start all over again, ultimately, it does catch up with you, that we know.
For sure, it really does, you know, and that timeline is a little different for everybody. Right? Some, some can fake it a little bit longer. But it ultimately will come to a head for everybody at some point.
Robin: No, I agree. I agree with you 100%. And that’s when you know, but so many people are afraid to get help. And I think they’re afraid because of the stigma attached. You know, and that’s, that is really, really sad. And that’s another reason why I bring on the the types of guests that I bring on to let people know, you can’t think of it as a stigma. It’s, you know, if you if you if you have acne, right? It’s a stigma, you go to the doctor to be to take care of the acne, right? If you’re if you’re sick, if you have a fever, you go to the doctor to take care of these things, all right. It’s nothing. It’s nothing more than a disease. Okay, it’s it.
Robin: Yeah, well, in the thing to the to remember, right? It has a compound effect, right? Like, so the earlier you, you face it, right and realize that and get help, right? That the less of a compound effect, because it’s just keeps rolling, and just keeps growing and growing. Until you realize, like, like you said, there’s no stigma, you reach out for help, we all need help. We need it in all different forms and shapes and sizes. And that’s okay. But if we don’t ask for it, oftentimes, right, we don’t receive it. So you have to you have to ask for it.
Ari: 100% Let me ask you this, who is the one person that you can point to that you would say had the most influence on your life? And and why? I mean, and I’m talking about good and bad?
Robin: Well, 100%, and the good good would be my mom. So yeah, my mom, she lives a couple of blocks from us, she moved here after I adopted my son. But she, you know, they’re in so many ways. So I saw her growing up, she is not the woman that I know, now, when I was growing up, right. And so I’ve seen that change in her. And I’ve seen how far she’s come. And that has given me inspiration to do the same for others. And, and you know, for myself, and now for others. And so I watch her heart and her love and her compassion and her care. And she’s always thriving to grow, and be better. And, and I think those are all wonderful attributes.
And just to let you in on a little secret, your answer is the same answer as 80 to 90% of the people that I have on my show. It’s always who’s the buzz person, it’s 80 90% of the time it is my mom, my mother, my mom. Alright, so moms play a huge role in this, whether they think they do or they don’t. Sometimes, you know, sometimes what I what I’ve seen is that a child will push a mother away. Not understanding or realizing that the mom only wants the best for her child, but the child just doesn’t understand that. And, you know, it’s a very famous analogy where somebody once said, you know, when I was 17 You know, my parents were the dumbest people on the face of the planet yet by the time I turned 23 They had gotten so smart.
It’s funny how that happens, right?
Ari: Yeah, absolutely. So where do you live now?
Robin: I live in the Dallas Texas area. Oh, very
Ari: nice. Now, um, you mentioned you Are you married? I’m not I’m single. You’re single. And you’re a single mom, because I know. Well, we talked about you adopted. That’s correct. Yeah, right. And so and what are you doing now?
Robin: Yeah, so I am doing I started a life coaching business. A few years ago, and I’m very excited about that, my friends tell me that I’ve been doing it my whole life. And so it’s great to actually, you know, start doing that as a profession and reaching out to people and helping more people, you know, get my story out there. And, you know, I think it’s helpful for a lot of people to reach out to someone that has walked a similar path. Right? Because there’s more credibility. This is not something that I learned, you know, through books, or, you know, I do have a certification, I did that as well, but it’s life experience, experiences that I really believe, make us the expert in these areas.
Ari: Oh, I mean, I agree with you. 100%. I mean, I’m, I’m no genius, trust me. All right, but I have I have the experience of living through 911. And that is, you know, left an indelible mark on me. And it has helped me to help others as well. So, you know, that’s, that’s really great, you know, coaching. It’s, it is a wonderful profession, because you get to help people and most people that go into coaching, do it, because they want to help people. It’s got, you know, I don’t know how many of you will actually make a good living in coaching, right? I would imagine that it’s not that not that big an audience, but the satisfaction that people get out of it sometimes outweighs the monetary aspect of it. Robin, let me ask you this. If people want to get in touch with you, whether they looking for coaching or they’re looking for guidance and advice that just looking for somebody to talk to, what’s the best way for people to reach you?
Robin: Yeah, my website is the best way it’s called Robin more coaching calm, and that’s Robin with the Y so it’s Robyn M O R. E.
Ari: Robin Moore
Robin: That’s correct.
Very good. And you have that’s your website and there’s a lot of stuff on there that people can go to and figure out how to get in touch with you etc. Right
there is there’s they can learn more about me figure out how to get in touch with me have some tips and tricks and even a free video that they can go you know, take a look about really letting go of those and you know, unchallenged fear based thinking. Right? So they can create that space for peace and contentment. So yeah, lots of information and ways to reach out to me.
Ari: Wow, that’s great. Okay, so that’s Robin, more. Robin more If you need help, if you if you just want to if just want to talk to somebody. Alright, you may be you realizing that at this point in time, you know, you really do need that help. Reach out to Robin, she’s really great. She’s helped so many people, including herself. And Robin, thanks so much for sharing your story with my audience. I mean, good luck going forward. You’ve been listening to whispers in bricks and I’m your host, Avi. showman. Until next time, listen to the whispers avoid the bricks and never ever give up on your dreams. Bye for now.